Wayne County Counseling Resources
Simply dial 2-1-1 from your cell or home phone. 2-1-1 is a free and confidential information and referral service connecting people to health and human services in Wayne and Holmes Counties.
The Counseling Center of Wayne and Holmes Counties
330-264-9029 or 330-674-6697 or 1-877-264-9029
Crisis Assistance Available 24 hours a day: 330-264-9029
Comprehensive mental health services including counseling for children, adults, and families, crisis intervention, and psychiatry.
Catholic Charities Services of Wayne County
Outpatient counseling for families and children dealing with emotional problems, parent-child conflicts, abuse.
New Beginnings Counseling Center, part of Christian Children's Home of Ohio
330-345-7949 or 1-800-643-9073
Counseling for all ages.
Children's Services of Holmes County - Job and Families Services Department
Child abuse investigations, foster care and adoption.
Children's Services Board of Wayne County
Child abuse investigations, foster care, and adoption.
NAMI of Wayne and Holmes Counties
Support for friends and family members of persons who suffer from mental illness. Community education and support groups.
Anazao Community Partners
330-264-9597 or 330-674-4608
Substance abuse and mental health treatment and counseling for all ages, education and support groups.
One Eighty (STEPS at Liberty Center)
330-264-8498 or 1-877-275-9277
Chemical dependency treatment and screening, residential treatment, detox and community education and prevention.
One Eighty (Every Woman's House)
330-263-6021 or 330-674-1020 or 1-800-686-1122
Services to victims of domestic violence, and sexual assault, counseling for offenders, emergency shelter, community education.
Suicide Prevention Coalition of Wayne and Holmes Counties
Advocates dedicated to community education and prevention of suicide and depression. PALS support group for People Affected by a Loved One's Suicide.
LGTB National Hotline
Wayne County Veterans Service Commission
356 W. North Street (Lower Level)
Wooster, OH 44591
(330) 345-6638
Holmes County Veterans Services
75 E. Clinton St.
Suite 104
Millersburg, OH 44654
(330) 674-4806