UA Wayne College Majors & Academics

The University of Akron Wayne College offers the first two years of general bachelor’s degree courses for students who plan to continue at the Akron campus. Our general education transfer program also leads to the Associate of Arts and the Associate of Science. Select bachelor’s degrees can now be completed entirely at UA Wayne College.

For degrees in Art, Dance, Music, Theatre Arts and Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology, it’s best for students to start their college careers on the Akron campus for proper course sequencing and timely completion of degree requirements.

View all UA degrees & majors 

Available UA Wayne College Associate degrees

Available UA Wayne College Bachelor's degrees


Credit for prior learning at The University of Akron

Credit for prior learning offers you academic credit for relevant knowledge and skills you may have acquired through alternative learning experiences.  We’ll help document what you learned outside the classroom so you
can focus your coursework on reaching your next success.

Learn more


UA Wayne College Syllabi Archive

Option 1: Access the Wayne College Course Syllabi SharePoint website

The University of Akron Wayne College maintains an archive of Wayne College course syllabi going back to Fall 1999. If you have a current UAnet ID and Password you can browse the Course Syllabi Archive on SharePoint located here.

Wayne College Course Syllabi SharePoint website 

Option 2: Submit a request for a specific syllabus

If you cannot access the archive or no longer have a current UAnet ID and Password, please complete this form to request a specific syllabus.

Submit a request for a specific syllabus