Student policies
Additional Help
Your instructor is available for a reasonable amount of individual help outside of class. For additional help, tutoring is provided by the Smucker Learning Center at 330-972/684-8960 for courses held at Wayne College, UA Medina and Wadsworth High School’s evening classes. Those held at the Akron Campus, the Department of Developmental Programs Tutoring Lab in Bierce Library room Number 68 offers tutoring. They can be contacted at 330-972-6552. Do not delay in seeking help, as it takes some time to set up the tutoring.
An online tutoring option called “eTutoring” is available for students who are unable to make it to the Smucker Learning Center for an appointment.
Students may access eTutoring via the link below:
Log-in under Ohio eTutoring Collaborative with your UAnet ID and password.
Students have an important, active role in assessment practices at Wayne College to allow for systematic measurement of student performance and the fulfillment of program outcomes. These provide an understanding of the effectiveness of different teaching techniques and tools to support students as they grasp \key concepts, skills, and/or information in a given course or program. Therefore, students should give their best effort to their role in assessment.
Attendance and Tardy Policy
According to the University attendance policy BOT Rule 3359-20-05D, a student is expected to attend all meetings of all classes for which the student is enrolled. A student may be dropped from a course by the Dean if absences are repeated and the instructor recommends this action; a student can gain readmission only with the permission of both dean and instructor. A student dropped from a course receives an “F” which counts as work attempted whenever grade-point ratio calculations are made.
Late Entry Policy- The course will begin precisely at the assigned time. Students should arrive at the classroom a few minutes early to prepare their materials. Attendance may be taken at the beginning of class as your instructor reports it to student services periodically.
Any students having approved accommodation through the Wayne College Accessibility Services regarding attendance modification needs to meet with each instructor the first week of the semester to discuss your accommodations and needs. After the meeting with the instructor, if you have any questions please contact through the Wayne College Accessibility Services the Disabilities Specialist and Service Coordinator, Julie Hartzler, at 330-684-8923. Students receiving accommodations must be registered with the Accessibility Services office. All students must meet the course requirements to earn a passing grade.
Religious Accommodation Policy
The University prohibits discrimination on the basis of religion and welcomes individuals from all different faiths, philosophies, religious traditions, and other systems of belief. Pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 3345.026 (aka “The Testing Your Faith Act”) you may request a religious accommodation to be excused from class up to three (3) days for reasons of faith or religious or spiritual belief system to participate in organized activities conducted under the auspices of a religious denomination, church, or other religious or spiritual organization. You will not be penalized as a result of any of these excused absences. The request for excusal must be made, in writing, during the first fourteen (14) days of the semester and include the date(s) of each proposed absence or request for alternative accommodation. The request must clearly state that the proposed absence is to participate in religious activities. The request must also provide the particular accommodation(s) you desire. For example, you may request to be excused from class to participate or observe a religious holiday or you may request an alternate examination date. An alternative examination date may be established, which may be before or after the time and date the examination or other academic requirement was originally scheduled. You will be notified by me if your request is approved, or, if it is approved with modification. I will work with you in an effort to arrange a mutually agreeable alternative arrangement. The following is a link to the Policy:
For more information regarding this Policy you may contact the University EEO Office at: Office of Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
University of Akron
The Administrative Services Building
185 East Mill Street Room 138 Akron, OH 44325
(330) 972-7300 | Phone(330) 972-5816 |
Inclement Weather Policy
When severe weather occurs, tune to radio station WQKT (104.5 FM) or call the Wayne College’s Snowline at 330-684-8775. Note that the Wayne College campus may close when the Akron campus or other off-site locations do not close and vice versa. If you are taking classes based on the Akron campus, visit the University's home page or call the Akron Snowline at 330-972-7669.
Wayne College Library
All University libraries may be used by all students. The Wayne College library is located in the Main Classroom Building. Contact for the libraries are -
Plagiarism and Academic Dishonesty
Plagiarism is the act of representing directly or indirectly another person’s work as your own. It can involve presenting someone’s speech, wholly or partially, as yours; quoting without acknowledging the true source of the quoted material; copying and handing in another person’s work with your name on it; and similar infractions. Even indirect quotations, paraphrasing, etc., can be considered plagiarism unless sources are properly cited. The University of Akron Wayne College policy for academic misconduct can be found in the Code of Student Conduct. Plagiarism will not be tolerated. Violators will be documented and sanctioned.
Registration Policy
Students whose names do not appear on the College’s official class list by the fourteenth day of the semester, (for all classes that meet for the first time during first week of the semester) will not be permitted to participate (attend class, take exams, or receive credit). Therefore, students should make sure to have all financial arrangements taken care of prior to the fourteenth day of classes.
Sexual Harassment
The University of Akron Wayne College has a policy prohibiting sexual harassment of any type on our campus or when students are working off campus on college-sponsored internships. This includes harassment between employer/employee, teacher/student, and student/student. Quid pro quo sexual harassment or the creation of a hostile environment based on gender are not acceptable behaviors in classes or anywhere on campus. Anyone experiencing sexual harassment should report it as outlined in the Sexual Harassment Policy Brochure.
Student Privacy Rights
Under FERPA, as a student attending a post-secondary institution, you are given a right to privacy. This protection prohibits the release of information concerning grades, assignments, your progress in this class, etc., to anyone other than you.
Students with Disabilities
In pursuant to University policy #33-59-20-01 subsection C, The University of Akron Wayne College recognizes its responsibility for creating an institutional atmosphere in which students with disabilities have the opportunity to be successful. Any student who feels they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office of Accessibility Services Disability Specialist .The office is located in The Smucker Learning Center. After the student’s eligibility for services is determined, their instructors will be provided a notification which will outline the student’s accommodations. For accommodations assistance call for an appointment 330-684-8960 or 330-684-8923.
Discrimination and Sexual Misconduct
The University of Akron is committed to providing an environment free of all forms of discrimination, including sexual violence and sexual harassment. This includes instances of attempted and completed sexual assault, domestic and dating violence, gender-based stalking, and sexual harassment. Additional information, resources, support and the University of Akron protocols for responding to sexual misconduct are available at
- Dr. Jane M. Fink, or 330-684-8767, or
- Assistant Dean Gordon Holly, or 330-972-8740.
You may drop a full semester class through the 14th calendar day of the fall or spring semester- or proportionally equivalent dates during the summer session, intersession, and other course terms. A "drop" will not appear on your transcript. The withdrawal policy is located at:
Your financial responsibility: