Parent information

The Campus
All personnel at Wayne College are dedicated to providing a safe and secure campus for all students. The College provides for student and employee safety and security in conjunction with The University of Akron's departments of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety, Physical Facilities, and University Police. The Dean of the College, the Senior Director of Business Operations and Finance, and University Police Officers are responsible for security and safety policies governing student activities and for providing information to students about security and crime prevention.

Wayne College has been a safe campus and can remain so only with the cooperation of the entire campus community. Wayne College hopes students will read and become familiar with this material and be responsible for their own safety and the security of others.

University Police
Campus law enforcement is primarily the responsibility of The University of Akron Police Department (UAPD). UAPD provides most day, evening, and weekend protection to the campus, parking lots, and auxiliary buildings. The police office is located in upper A-Wing, room A-213. Officers are equipped with two-way radios and can respond quickly as needed.

University police officers are commissioned by the State of Ohio with full law enforcement authority and responsibilities identical to the local police or sheriff. The UA police officers work closely with the Wayne County Sheriff's Department and Orrville City Police. Reports are exchanged with other area law enforcement agencies. Information is shared through personal contacts and by telephone and radio. UAPD shares mutual assistance with adjacent agencies.

UAPD officers have met or exceeded the training standards of the Ohio Peace Officers Training Council. They also receive ongoing in-service and specialized training in first aid, firearms, defensive tactics, legal updates, and other skills.

UA police officers enforce laws regulating underage drinking, the use of controlled substances, weapons, and all other incidents requiring police assistance. They also are responsible for public safety services such as crime reports, medical emergencies, fire emergencies, traffic accidents,
and special college events.

It is the goal of every member of the University Police Department to promote, preserve, and deliver feelings of security and safety through quality services to the members of the University community.

Drug and Alcohol Prevention
The issue of drug and alcohol abuse concerns the entire University community as well as our surrounding neighborhoods. The federal Drug Free Schools and Communities Act amendments of 1989 require schools, colleges, and universities receiving federal financial assistance to implement and enforce drug and alcohol prevention programs for students and employees.

The University of Akron prohibits the use, possession, sale, manufacture, or distribution of illegal drugs and alcohol by all students and employees on University premises or as part of any University activity. Misuse of any substances by University students and employees that presents physical or psychological hazard to individuals also is prohibited.

Crime Prevention
University police officers stationed at Wayne College can provide educational programs to students and employees on personal safety, sexual assault/ acquaintance rape prevention, drug and alcohol abuse prevention, and related topics. The local office would welcome the chance to talk with any campus group in addition to its regular informational presentation at new student orientation. Candid dialogue between UA police and the public has created greater confidence in the community to report unlawful activities.

Potential illegal actions and on-campus emergencies can be confidentially reported by any student, faculty, or staff member. Complaints received by UA police that fall outside their jurisdiction will be referred to the appropriate agency, or the complainant will be provided a phone number where the complaint can be filed. Likewise, other agencies refer complaints to
University Police when appropriate.

A police officer patrols the building and parking lots every evening until the last class is over. UA officers also offer assistance to motorists with battery jumps, unlocking vehicles (when possible), and obtaining fuel.

If you require non-emergency assistance or would like to schedule an appointment for an education program, call (330) 684-8910, or 8910 from an internal campus phone. For emergencies, it is recommended the student first utilize the nearest phone and call 911 to report a fire or medical emergency and then contact the University Police.

Emergency Phones
Any available telephone may be used to contact emergency personnel via 911. The pay phone may also be used for this purpose at no cost. To contact University Police at Wayne College, use any campus phone and dial 8910. Business Office personnel are in immediate radio contact with the local officers and can dispatch assistance quickly. When the Student Services & Support Office is closed, emergencies must be directed to Wayne College University Police, if necessary via the Orrville Police Department by calling (330) 684-5025 or 911 (in Orrville).

Campus Buildings
Building hours are subject to change based upon classes scheduled. The most up-to-date information is posted on the Web site at When the College is officially closed, the building is locked and may be opened only by authorized personnel. The College is closed on all official holidays.

Health and Safety
Members of the Department of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety routinely inspect Wayne College for environmental and safety concerns. Wayne College maintenance personnel maintain the campus building and grounds and regularly inspect facilities and promptly make repairs to ensure safety and security.

UAPD officers work closely with both units to respond to reports of potential safety and security hazards such as broken walks, windows, or locks. UA police also work with the maintenance department personnel to help maintain adequate exterior lighting.

Personal Responsibility
The cooperation and involvement of students, faculty, and staff in any campus safety program is absolutely necessary. All must assume responsibility for their own safety and security of their property by following simple, common sense precautions. For example, although the parking lots are well-lit, everyone should confine their movements to well-traveled areas in the company of others. Valuables should be marked with a personal identification number in case of loss or theft. Bicycles should be properly secured when not in use. Automobiles should be locked at all times.

Valuables and purses should never be left lying in view in a car. Lock all valuables in the car trunk for safekeeping. Textbooks are prime targets for theft when left unattended in any public place.

During the winter months, students may experience falls in the parking lots or on the sidewalks due to icy conditions. Although the College makes every effort to clear snow and de-ice walkways, students should also take care to walk in safe areas, use available hand rails on the hills, and wear sensible footwear. Shoes should be dried thoroughly before walking down the interior building ramps.

Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Policies

See the University's Sexual Assault Policy (PDF)

Click here for the Sexual Harassment Policy (PDF)

This information is provided as part of The University of Akron Wayne College's commitment to safety and security on campus and is in compliance with the Federal Crime Awareness and Campus Security Act of 1990.